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Nicaragua Day Adventure Tour

This is a great tour for sightseeing visiting all along beautiful colonial towns in Nicaragua ,Volcano Ometepe in the fresh waters in the bigest lake of Central america,fallowing a journey trough Rivas ,Catalinas,Masaya ,Granada and the

Isletas de Granada..


Este es un excelente tour para hacer turismo visitando a lo largo de las ciudades coloniales hermosas en Nicaragua, Volcán Ometepe en las aguas frescas en el lago mas grande de Centroamérica, barbecho un canal viaje Rivas, Catalinas, Masaya, Granada y la

Isletas de Granada ..


$175 - $200 Private x Pax

              Minimum 4 pax    private 2 pax

Arenal Volcano Overnight  Adventure Tour


This is a great Arenal Volcano Tour  Arenal is a place that begs to be explored; rivers wind through bountiful rainforests, waterfalls crash amidst inspiring canyons, 


Este es un gran Tour Volcán Arenal - Arenal es un lugar que nos lleva a ser explorado; ríos serpentean a través de las selvas tropicales abundantes, cascadas estrellan en medio cañones inspiradoras,


$350- $425 Private x Pax

               Minimum 4 Pax  - Private 2 Pax



$125 x Pax  MINIMUM 4 PAX


This adventure combo at Rincon de La Vieja is an action packed full day expedition that features a guided visit to Hacienda Guachipeli­n Lodge, next to Rincon De La Vieja National Park. There are 4 main activities during this day of adventure canopy (zip line) tour and rapelling through the Rio Blanco Canyon and horseback riding expedition to nearby waterfalls, relax at a rustic spa featuring volcano heated thermal waters, steam and mud bath.


Este combo aventura en Rincon de La Vieja es una acción llena de día completo expedición que ofrece una visita guiada a la Hacienda Guachipelín Lodge, junto a De Parque Nacional Rincón de la Vieja. Hay 4 actividades principales durante este día de aventura canopy (tirolesa) gira y rappel a través del Cañón de Río Blanco y paseos a caballo expedición a cascadas cercanas, relájese en un balneario rústico con aguas termales volcánicas calentadas, vapor y baños de arcilla.


$160 x Pax   MINIMUM 4 PAX

         Minimum 4 Pax  - Private 2 Pax

Spider Monkeys

San Juan del Sur Nicaragua Tour Overnight


This lovely cove sheltered in a half moon between amazing cliffs can easily be the most popular tourist destination of Nicaragua. And it's easy to understand why: it is the gateway to some of the best beaches in Nicaragua, and offers the same lovely golden sand, excellent opportunities for surfing and a sunny and dry climate that can be found within an hour, in exclusive hotels very affordable, but at a price. Despite the relatively noisy environment, it is still possible to walk along the coastline and find a hammock to have a drink on the beach.


Esta preciosa cala en forma de media luna resguardada entre asombrosos acantilados puede fácilmente ser el destino turístico más popular de Nicaragua. Y es fácil entender por qué: es la entrada a algunas de las mejores playas de Nicaragua, y ofrece la misma preciosa arena dorada, excelentes ocasiones para hacer surf y un clima soleado y seco que se pueden encontrar a una hora, en los hoteles exclusivos, pero a un precio muy asequible. Pese al ambiente relativamente bullicioso, sigue siendo posible pasear por la línea costera y encontrar una hamaca para tomarte algo en la playa.

Buena Vista Mega Combo Adventure 


This tour is perfect for travelers on a time-crunch, as it packs several of Costa Rica's most popular activities into one exciting, fun-filled day.  

Begin your day with a thrilling 12-platform canopy tour, and then take things down a notch with a walk across Buena Vista's hanging bridges. Situated high above the forest canopy, these bridges present you with a wonderful opportunity to spot tropical birds and other wildlife. Next up is a fast-flying, 400-meter waterslide through the forest, inviting big smiles as you zip, twist and turn down the contours of the slippery chute.  

After a sufficient amount of adrenalin-filled activity, enjoy a leisurely ride on horseback or behind a tractor-pulled cart to Buena Vista's rustic spa. Here, all stress will melt away as you soak in the thermal hot springs or relax in the steam and mud baths. 



                Minimum 4 Pax  - Private 2 Pax




Ofrecemos Tours y Transportacion Privada a cualquiera Excurcion o Transporte del Aeropuerto al Hotel O Resort..
Gran Offertas !!! Servicio de Taxi

We Offer Private Tours and Transportation to Any of our Adventure Tours for you and your Family Only - Transportation from the Airport - to - Hotel Resort ..
Great Deals!!!! Taxi Service


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